When the site was being created I knew right away I wanted to have a blog. Which you probably wouldn’t guess seeing as this is my first post and my site has been live since August…..
I’m not great with communicating online but it is a growing edge I want to embrace because I think, especially at this particular moment in the story. There can be such value in it.
As this is my very first post I figure I will start by giving you a bit of a backstory about where “Ember” comes from.
I chose the word Ember for two main reasons. First and foremost, ember is a symbolic representation of the unique creative capacity that each person has inside of them. When I am honoured with the privilege of working with someone. Whether that be as their expressive arts therapist, workshop lead or as their art instructor. I get to be the person who witnesses that unique creative ember. My purpose is to keep it going and growing until this person can step fully into their own creative capacity.
The second reason why I chose to include the word Ember is because of my experience working as a forest fire ranger. Through this experience I witnessed how powerful one tiny little ember can be. Depending on the weather conditions an ember can drift off from a small backyard bonfire and fade into a spec of ash. Or it could be the catalyst for a forest fire.In this sense I believe the imagery of the ember speaks to some of the nuances and complexities that are innately a part of both the creative and therapeutic process.
Yes- all of this went into picking the word Ember. Now, is it really so surprising that it has taken me three months to write my first post?
I think of this blog as an opportunity for folks to get to know my style , making them better able to decide if my services are what they are seeking. And/or a place for people to come to access different techniques to connect with a new way of engaging in creative process. I intend to share bits and pieces of my own artistic process that have helped me move through particularly challenging moments in life. If one person in this big world reads it and finds something of value in it- it will all be worthwhile. Here’s hoping…...
It doesn’t take me three months to write post two.
Just kidding, I will be back next week y’all.
Much gratitude,